Committee on Church Vitality and Transformation

Chair, Vice-Chair, Ten Members-at-Large

To provide processes and support for congregations that have an identified need, willingness, and ability to engage in spiritual and/or programmatic growth which can lead to deeper commitment both within and beyond current membership.

1. Define types and degrees of congregational redevelopment that might be offered.

2. Develop and evaluate annually an instrument to assess congregational ability to engage in redevelopment.

3. Identify congregations, not in pastoral transition, to approach about possible interest in revitalization and renewal.

4. Develop, train, and maintain Redevelopment Consultants who will work with congregations from assessment through the implementation of a redevelopment plan.

5. Consult with congregations, not released from the property clause, who wish to consider buying, selling, or encumbering property and explain what will be required by the Book of Order and the presbytery.

6. Review and recommend to presbytery action when a particular congregation, not released from the property clause, requests permission to buy, sell, or encumber any real property.

7. Provide guidelines and procedures for congregations in capital funds campaigns acquiring real property.

8. Develop and maintain procedures for the use of congregational redevelopment funds.

9. Develop and administer presbytery-wide conferencing related to congregational