Committee on Ministry
Chair, Vice-Chair, Sixteen Members-at-Large
The Committee on Ministry (COM) serves as pastor and counselor to the ministers, Certified Christian Educators and Commissioned Ruling Elders of the Presbytery. COM facilitates relations between congregations, ministers, and Certified Christian Educators, and the Presbytery; exercises oversight and provides guidance to churches and pastors in the transition process; and helps settle difficulties on behalf of Presbytery when possible and expedient.
The Committee on Ministry is comprised of three subcommittees: Ministerial Relations, Pastoral Transition, and Administration.
Ministerial Relations (MR) focuses on pastoral care, crisis engagement and conflict management for and among the pastors, sessions and congregations of Shenandoah Presbytery.
Pastoral Transition (PT) provides resources and oversight to congregations and pastors during times of pastoral transition. PT connects with a congregation when a pastor communicates their intention to leave a position and works with the session and congregation to determine their ministry needs and financial implications; walk them through the discernment process, assist in negotiation of terms of call or contract, as well as the installation of their new pastoral leadership.
Administration (Admin) will review and recommend revisions to current policies, procedures, forms, and documents; review and recommend changes in terms of pastoral calls or renewal of contracts for pastoral services; and receive and respond to requests for exceptions to provisions of the Book of Order.