Committee on Preparation for Ministry
Chair, Vice-Chair, (or Two Co-chairs) Seven Members-at-Large
To oversee the care and examination of inquirers and candidates for ministry, inform sessions of the process for inquiry and candidacy, and conduct examinations of candidates seeking calls within the bounds of this presbytery.
3. Bring to active candidacy those with appropriate abilities and gifts.
4. To review and act on all applications that are a part of the CPM process and to add or remove applicants from the presbytery’s roll of inquirers and candidates with the CPM making a full report to presbytery concerning these actions.
5. To approve or disapprove, in consultation with an applicant, inquirer, or candidate,
seminaries not related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) but accredited by the
Association of Theological Schools, that are appropriate for that individual’s academic
and professional preparation as a teaching elder.
6. To approve or disapprove all CPE and/or supervised ministry placements and receive any and all reports, evaluations, etc., associated with these activities.
7. To approve or disapprove any and all requests to take an ordination exam or exams by other accommodations.
8. Ordain candidates to the ordered ministry of teaching elder following a Presbytery approved call, if so requested by the calling Presbytery.
9. Oversee and administer presbytery funds related to Inquirers and Candidates.