A Mission of the Committee on Mission & Outreach
PCUSA Living Waters for the World website
Shenandoah Presbytery’s Living Waters Team (LWT) is a partner with Living Waters for the World, a mission initiative of the Synod of Living Waters (Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky).
The Shenandoah Presbytery Living Waters Team functions under the Committee on Mission & Outreach (CMO), through whom it is accountable to the Presbytery CPC and to the Presbytery. The LWT is a Presbytery-based team that works with any Shenandoah Presbytery organization to help bring clean water to a developing country partner.
The LWT includes members who have all been trained at Clean Water U, the mission training facility of Living Waters for the World. They are lead by Mac Sterrett, the Living Waters Team leader.
In their role, the LWT trains and equips groups in the Presbytery to survey, install and train on the Living Waters for the World water purification system. They serve as a resource for Presbytery groups doing water systems. Once the system is up and going, the LWT steps back and serves in an advisory capacity as needed.
The LWT is responsible to both the parent mission program, Living Waters for the World, and Shenandoah Presbytery’s CMO. Our team has a signed a Covenant agreement with Living Waters for the World defining certain responsibilities on the part of both parties. Major decisions concerning projects to be undertaken by the LWT, and major fund expenditures (for example, we responded to the crisis following the Haiti earthquake by making a financial donation to Living Waters for the World) are made by the LWT and members of the CMO.
LWT partners with other Presbytery organizations
The role of the LWT is to introduce and involve other members of the Presbytery in mission work by encouraging, training, equipping, and traveling with them to carry out a Living Waters for the World mission project. The LWT partners with congregations, mission communities, committees, or any other Presbytery-based organization. The LWT can partner with a single congregation or organization, or it can partner with a group of people representing multiple congregations. There is the potential that LWT could partner in some fashion with other civic, mission or humanitarian groups.