The names and contact information listed constitute the Shenandoah Presbytery Supply List. The qualifications and suitability of each person have been reviewed by the Presbytery. We recommend that when your church needs someone to fill the pulpit on a particular Sunday, you contact one of the persons listed.

Presbytery recommends sessions offer an honorarium to anyone filling the pulpit, using the following schedule:

  • For congregations under 100, a minimum of $50.00, and $25.00 for each additional service.
  • For congregations of 100 or more members, a minimum of $100.00, and $75 for each additional service.

In addition, the Session shall reimburse for mileage at the current IRS rate. If overnight lodging is required, motel and meals should be provided at the church’s expense.

We recognize that there may be a variety of circumstances, which would call for a different payment arrangement. If the church or supply preacher desire some different arrangement that should be discussed and agreed to ahead of time.

Supplying the pulpit involves a significant commitment of preparation time by the supply preacher. Estimates of the time spent for one supply preaching date range from 3⁄4 of a day to 1.5 days. It should also be pointed out that supplying the pulpit should not be viewed as a gradual way to work into a more permanent relationship with a particular church. Should a church find itself engaging a supply pastor on a regular basis, it is highly recommended that this be discussed with the Committee on Ministry.


Pulpit Supply List

Pulpit Supply Guidelines